The 2nd biggest shopping day is amongst us; Cyber Monday! Some of you may prefer this shopping day since all you need is access to a computer, an Internet connection, and a credit card and you are off to your leisure of cyber shopping for those great deals. While spending your lunch break, or ‘multi-tasking’ between work there are a few things to consider to keep you safe today.
- Ergonomics 101 – To begin your cyber shopping, make sure that you are properly equipped at your desk. Make sure that your chair is set to the right adjustments so that you are comfortably seated at your desk. Next, make sure that your hands have enough space tomaneuver the keyboard and mouse. With the repetitiveness use of the computer you have to be cautious of developing repetitive strain injuries. Remember to take some frequent breaks and stand up and stretch and walk around. One can always take breaks from online shopping by browsing through the remainder of the ads from the Sunday paper. Of course having the KHA blog open can show the boss when (s)he walks in that you are busy learning about the latest trends in environmental health and safety.
- Advertisements – We all see them when we are on the Internet, those pesky moving advertisements for the ‘greatest deal’. Now most of these advertisements are true and from companies we all know and trust. However there are some advertisements out there that are untrue and are out to collect your valuable information. Just remember that when you are clicking on these advertisements that you pay attention to what is on the screen and not to get caught into a trap from an Internet Hacker.
- Login Profile – Most larger retail online stores offer a safe and secure user login interface to allow the shopper a more efficient process of shopping. Just remember when creating your login profile to create a password that is a word or phrase that will only be known by you. Also remember that if you do right down this information that you keep it hidden away from others. The last thing you want to happen is to have a coworker walk by and find your login information and pretend to be you and have a little early Christmas shopping on your account.
- Credit Card Fraud – Credit card fraud remains one of the biggest areas of concern for online shoppers. Over the years, between the credit card companies and retail stores this has seemed to grow into new areas of attacks as the Internet continues to grow. Just remember that while you are shopping online to try to stick to making purchases with just one credit card. Also remember to review your credit card statement. You can easily log into your account online or wait to receive your statement by mail. If you suspect that you are a victim of credit card fraud contact your credit card company right away to report the information so that you are not left with someone else’s debt to pay.
Now that they day is almost done I hope you had a safe and successful ‘Cyber Monday’ shopping experience and that you were productive in your work tasks after returning from a long and relaxing holiday weekend.